Grounded Perseverance [Picasso & black Agate - ring]


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Whether you aim to be faithful in a relationship or you need to free yourself from a toxic situation -- Grounded Perseverance will help you get from point A to point B. Picasso sort of reminds you what you are worth, perhaps the quieting of subconscious stress is what allows this realization to come through. It focuses on satisfaction, wealth, glory, and splendor. Black Agate promote self-diagnosis, security, and survival skills. It will help you stay focused. Together it is quite the ring; it should provide relief from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and help circulation, strengthening the blood vessels and helping with those pesky varicose veins. Give it up for Grounded Perseverance!

Picasso (marble jasper) - not much physically distinguishable for marble(Greek ‘marmaros’, ‘white stone’) other than differentiation by patterns and markings. Greeks and Romans had traditions about the transforming power of these stones, and acknowledged their ability to turn sorrow to joy, and symbolized wealth, splendour, and glory. Good for creativity, change, and art. Grounding and calming stone that brings perseverance and helps with unsettling subconscious thoughts, anxiety, and stress. Aids in removing emotional dissatisfaction, after bringing repressed issues to the surface. This sort of awakening reveals truth, and the fact that certain factors, one absolutely does Not have to put up with. Opens up new perspectives, belief systems, and creative problem solving techniques. Physical aspects- helps carpal tunnel syndrome! Aids in weight loss. Very helpful for detox. Improves the processing of calcium in the body. ///Cancer& Sagittarius/// sacral chakra

(black) Agate- there are many subcategories of agate depending on the nature of the formation (post-volcanic vs. sedimentary) and combination of other minerals and substances, and whether or not it fills a void completely or not (amygdule vs. geode). Variety of chalcedony/quartz. Protection stone as well as charm for good luck (pregnancy power) in India, Nepal, Tibet, also used for amulets and ‘eagle stone’ water glasses, said to relieve and even heal fear of pain, and giving the owner the favor of God. Black agate promotes faithfulness in relationships and brings inner strength and grounding. Good for seeing reality, maintaining focus, avoiding distractions. Agate dissolves internal tensions, tying lessons to advancing in levels of maturity, growth, and spiritualization. Highlights the will to live and survival instinct while strengthens logic and rational thought. Brings spiritual awareness into action. Promotes natural talents, helps in channeling and strengthening emotional energy and security. Physical elements- good for health of lymphatic system, colon, pancreas, and circulation; works with organs built up of different layers of skin and tissue. Helps with nausea, indigestion, gastroenteritis, stomach ulcers, bladder/intestinal inflammation, aromach cramps, and IBS. Involving the uterus as childbirth protects against disease and encourages normal shrinkage after delivery and is known as pregnancy stone for both mother and child. Good for sight and also varicose veins by strengthening blood vessels. During or before an “organ peak” the specific mineral of agate should be worn directly on the respective organ for emotional/spiritual optimization. During meditation, aids in self-diagnosis. Strengths the aura. Astrological- Capricorn, maybe Gemini-base chakra ——- stabilizes the aura by elimination or transformation of negative energies.