Flow of Change [Goldstone & black Agate]


medium (6.75")

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Festive and elegant, our Flow of Change bracelet supports your ability to see past the challenges of the moment and focus on the Opportunities of the moment. Our fast-paced lives often see best-laid plans shattered - and how you decide to react to those moments directly corresponds to your happiness with life. Wear the Flow of Change to support your ability to embrace what is, live with in expectancy instead of with expectations, and rejoice in new and unexpected opportunities that come your way. I brought Goldstone and Black Agate together in this refined yet stunning arrangement for your double strength bracelet of "disappointment and fear out" plus "courage and decisive action in." The Flow of Change will aid your shift from "Oh no" to "I got this!"

Jessica's inspiration for this bracelet:
Goldstone- Man-made glass stone from Italy that was created (by Vincenzo Miotti) in explorations of alchemical processes, that has copper inclusions. Goldstone is known for enhancing one’s ambition and confidence - bringing harmony closer. Goldstone is a lucky stone, that offers balance, strength, vitality and prosperity. It strengthens one’s chi. Goldstone also deflects negative energy. Physical aspects- Relieves pain from the joints and bones, and arthritis - especially the spinal column. Good for bones and circulation, and eases stomach tension and pain from burns. Reduces inflammation. //// Astrological- Sagittarius///chakra orientation: sacral////

(black) Agate- there are many subcategories of agate depending on the nature of the formation (post-volcanic vs. sedimentary) and combination of other minerals and substances, and whether or not it fills a void completely or not (amygdule vs. geode). Variety of chalcedony/quartz. Protection stone as well as charm for good luck (pregnancy power) in India, Nepal, Tibet, also used for amulets and ‘eagle stone’ water glasses, said to relieve and even heal fear of pain, and giving the owner the favor of God. Black agate promotes faithfulness in relationships and brings inner strength and grounding. Good for seeing reality, maintaining focus, avoiding distractions. Agate dissolves internal tensions, tying lessons to advancing in levels of maturity, growth, and spiritualization. Highlights the will to live and survival instinct while strengthens logic and rational thought. Brings spiritual awareness into action. Promotes natural talents, helps in channeling and strengthening emotional energy and security. Physical elements- good for health of lymphatic system, colon, pancreas, and circulation; works with organs built up of different layers of skin and tissue. Helps with nausea, indigestion, gastroenteritis, stomach ulcers, bladder/intestinal inflammation, aromach cramps, and IBS. Involving the uterus as childbirth protects against disease and encourages normal shrinkage after delivery and is known as pregnancy stone for both mother and child. Good for sight and also varicose veins by strengthening blood vessels. During or before an “organ peak” the specific mineral of agate should be worn directly on the respective organ for emotional/spiritual optimization. During meditation, aids in self-diagnosis. Strengths the aura. Astrological- Capricorn, maybe Gemini-base chakra ——- stabilizes the aura by elimination or transformation of negative energies.