Rose Quartz, Amethyst, & clear Quartz Corked Vial Necklace

Rose Quartz, Amethyst, & clear Quartz Corked Vial Necklace


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Rose Quartz and Amethyst are two of the most known crystals; Rose Quartz being known for soothing matters of the heart and refreshing the emotions, and Amethyst aids in meditation, dreams, and the healing of dis-ease (emotional and physical, esp. alcoholism and addiction). Amethyst, like Quartz, is an enhancer crystal - meaning that it magnifies the energy of other crystals. Clear Quartz is known to improve quality of life - a "feel better". stone indeed. Quartz energizes and revitalizes, helping bring focus and understanding, and self-knowledge. Physical health wise, is great for a variety of conditions including diabetes, ear, spinal, and weight related conditions as well. This necklace is beneficial to many, and especially as a gift to anyone who has experienced grief and could use some help overcoming it.

A true mult-tasker, rose quartz is a gemstone to wear if you welcome nature to usher these inspirations in your life:
- nurturing of the self
- bonding, especially during pregnancy
- strengthen a romantic relationship
- restore trust, harmony, and encourage unconditional love
- stimulating sensual imagination
- beautiful dreams and peaceful rest
- calming, comforting, and reassuring after experiencing crisis
-helps combat anger, stress, tension, fear, inadequacy, jealousy & resentment

Amethyst is especially beloved by creative types for heightening their best qualities and tempering the unique challenges the creative soul often faces, particularly in today's society. Amethyst is prized to inspire:
- stillness in the mind for enhanced meditative states
-physical, mental, & emotional balance
-a hand at managing obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
-ease from anger or violent tendencies
- naturally high frequency purifies the aura, purging negative energy or attachments
- stimulate the Third Eye, Crown and Etheric Chakras enhancing cognitive perception as well as accelerating the development of intuitive and psychic ability
-ease from more than 33 areas of physical health

Full crystal properties:
Rose Quartz- crystalline masses and rarely, hexagonal crystals that were considered a fertility stone for ages and used for healing female disorders and/or the heart, which led to it being a stone for ‘matters of the heart’. Asterism (‘star formation’) occurs when dumoriterite or rutile fibers grow within a quartz crystal lattice. Rose quartz is a calming stone that magnifies imagination and creativity, enhancing writing, art, and music; it specifically enhances female qualities and energy. Rose Quartz helps one to be gentle but firm, the soft overcoming the hard, strong, or stubborn. It encourages forgiveness, openness, and helpfulness and naturally, is good for the energy in the home. Rose quartz is a go-to for love, relationships, and romance; it eases worry and oversensitivity, while reminding one to fulfill elementary needs and have proper balance of self-love to enhance romance and the ability to love. Especially beneficial in times of crisis, phobias, fear, stress, anger, grief, guilt, jealousy, resentment, and feeling emotionally wounded - even if these feelings stem from childhood trauma or mentalities. Physical aspects- Rose quartz fortifies the heart and sexual organs, helps with sexual problems, menstruation cycle, and encourages fertility. It also stimulates the blood circulation in the tissues. Rose quartz is beneficial in the health of adrenal glands, heart, kidney, and spleen. It can ease general aches and pains, asthma, coughs, flu, and vertigo. Rose quartz is good for wrinkles, varicose veins, and burns (including sunburn). Rose quartz is helpful for detoxing. Astrological- Taurus & Libra ///chakra orientation: heart

Amethyst- Part of the group of crystal quartz that forms large visible crystals, the coloration is due to traces of quadrivalent iron (manganese and iron inclusions) in the crystal lattice. Is meant to be worn, preferably touching the skin, or held in meditation. Amethyst amplifies/magnifies the energy of other crystals, and works for protection, and physical, mental, and emotional balance. The name is drive from Greece and means ‘non-inebriated’ and Amethyst has a sober, clearing effect. Amethyst, used for purification rituals historically, encourages consciously dealing with perception - helping one face up to all experiences, whether pleasant or unpleasant (helpful for alcoholism and addiction). Amethyst also helps one move forward in life, cope with change and responsibility, and calms nerves, passion, tension, oversensitivity, grief, and balances emotional energy. It encourages chastity and relieves homesickness. Amethyst heightens concentration and effective thinking (and action), and helps with decision making, negotiating, and public speaking, as well as business success and wealth. In the middle ages Konrad of Megenberg claimed amethyst could “make a person better, disperse bad thoughts, bring good common sense and make one mild and gentle“. Amethyst does help with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), anger and violent tendencies, and raises self-esteem. It enhances the aura, meditation, spirituality, and spirit contact. In Arabic countries, Amethyst has also been known for healing affects for skin diseases and swelling, and (a clear piece) was placed under the pillow to prevent nightmares, however; Amethyst has been said to stimulate dreams at first, then clarify dream images and undigested impressions, followed by the deliverance of calm, clear, refreshing sleep. Even whilst one is awake, stimulating intuition and inspiration, Amethyst brings constant spiritual wakefulness, and direct insight into one’s spiritual reality. Amethyst aids in meditation, providing a quiet mind in order to find deep inner peace, usually stemming from our inner wisdom. Amethyst aids and sadness and grief and helps one come to terms with loss. As far as addictive behavior is concerned, Amethyst aids in overcoming the ‘uncontrollable’ behaviors as well as one’s own blocks. Physical aspects- Amethyst aids detoxing and blood cleansing, and is certainly helpful in dealing with addictions, alcoholism, and actual drunkenness. Amethyst heals the causes of dis-ease, helps get rid of pain, releases tension, and helps with insomnia. This type of quartz is good for cancer and health of the immune system, circulatory system, and sympathetic nervous systems. Amethyst assists injuries, rapidly reducing bruising and swelling, and also helps with bad posture. When drank as an elixir, Amethyst helps arthritis. Amethyst is particularly useful for tense headaches or migraines, nervous complaints, hearing, and eyestrain. Amethyst is beneficial for high blood pressure, blood clots, bronchial and lung issues, bowel disorders, and diarrhea; it regulates the initial flora of the large intestine which can help drastically with treatment of parasitical infection, and bacterial and viral infections. Amethyst is good for the stomach, liver, endocrine glands, heart, teeth, and bones. Amethyst can also help with itching, rashes, spots, acne, and other skin complaints. Astrological- Pisces ///Chakra orientation: crown

clear Quartz - comes in many, many formations and varieties - most abundant mineral on the surface of the Earth (70% of land we walk on is formed with Quartz and other silicates). Quartz crystals are usually clear or white hexagonal crystals and masses, with inclusions sometimes. When the Quartz is pure and clear, it is often referred to as Rock Crystal (Greeks thought it to be deeply frozen ice); however, there are many subcategories of Quartz, each with specific qualities. Quartz supplies strength and energy, has been long known to protect against demons and disease, and has been thought by all cultures to heal and aid in magic. Clear Quartz does not have to compete for it’s vibration because it enhances other crystals’ metaphysical properties. Clear Quartz is known to be a “feel better” stone - increasing happiness and often improving one’s quality of life. Quartz channels light which helps makes it energizing and capable of helping any condition or situation, just about. It helps to broaden one’s perception and understanding, while encouraging clarity, neutrality, and the appropriate development for one’s inner nature. Clear Quartz helps to focus the mind. It is known to bring relief from negativity, and aids in meditation. Quartz can help bring back capabilities that one may feel they have “lost”. It helps bring self-knowledge and bring forgotten memories back into conscious awareness. Physical aspects- Aids malaise, multiple sclerosis (MS), myalgic encephalitis (ME), and heart health. Helps with ear infections, hearing and balance, and tinnitus. Quartz aids in weight loss. It helps diabetes, obesity, pain, discomfort, swelling, and spinal health. It can reduce fever, nausea, diarrhea, and Clear Quartz fortifies the nerves, balances the working of both halves of the brain, and can revitalize body parts that are cold, numb, paralyzed, or that have lost feeling. Chakra association: ALL chakras////Astrological- ALL signs