Spiritual Awakening [Opalite, Clear Quartz, & Wildflowers]


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Inside this necklace is Clear Quartz that we hand_dug here in New Hampshire, as well as wildflowers that we personally foraged & dried. There is Opalite in the bottom, which is composed of dolomite plus quartz and fluorite.
Opalite is used to open the third eye, and aids spiritual awakening. Opalite enhances communication and is even said to increase psychic powers, visions, and clarity of messages from the spirit realm. Opalite helps us manifest wealth and affluence, and is known for helping cleanse the chakras and meridians, leaving us with fresh, calm energy - which is extremely useful in times of change, transformation, and major life events.
Clear Quartz - comes in many formations and varieties. It is the most abundance mineral on the surface of the Earth (70% of land we walk on is formed with Quartz and other silicates)! The hexagonal crystals are usually clear or white, sometimes with inclusions. When pure and clear, it is often referred to as Rock Crystal (Greeks thought it to be deeply frozen ice)! Quartz, known by all cultures to heal and aid in magic, supplies strength and energy, & has long been known to protect against demons and disease. Clear Quartz does not compete for its vibration because it enhances other crystals’ metaphysical properties. Clear Quartz is known to be a “feel better” stone - increasing happiness and often improving one’s quality of life. Quartz channels light which makes it energizing & capable of helping any condition or situation, just about. It helps to broaden one’s perception and understanding, while encouraging clarity, neutrality, and the appropriate development for one's inner nature. Clear Quartz helps focus the mind, brings relief from negativity, & aids meditation. Quartz can help bring back capabilities that one may feel they have “lost”. It enhances self-knowledge and brings forgotten memories back into conscious awareness. Physical aspects- Aids malaise, multiple sclerosis (MS), myalgic encephalitis (ME), & heart health. Helps with ear infections, hearing & balance, & tinnitus. Quartz aids in weight loss, helps diabetes, obesity, pain, discomfort, swelling, & spinal health. It can reduce fever, nausea, &diarrhea, and fortifies the nerves. Quartz balances the working of both halves of the brain, and can revitalize body parts that are cold, paralyzed, or that have lost feeling. Chakra association: ALL /// Astrological: ALL