Healing. Love. Life. Light. [Rose Quartz, Rose Petals, & Lily Of The Valley]


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If you could sum up the importance of life in 3 words, what would they be? Hopefully love and light are two you'd choose. No matter which words you choose, you surely know that the essence of life encompasses love and healing. Many people avoid dealing with past pain, but if you do, it will be quite impossible to heal. We are here to heal and balance ourselves inside. We strongly encourage the use of crystals to accomplish both of these! This necklace was designed as a gentle reminder to universally love and understand all you encounter. Rose Quartz promotes love of all kinds, as well as forgiveness and healing. (See below). Rose Quartz has calming energy that is wonderful in the home, workplace, or honestly, anywhere you go. In times of crises as well as just in times we need to remember to love ourselves - Rose Quartz comes in clutch. No matter how long ago you were hurt inside, Rose Quartz will help you accept the past so you can move onwards and upwards. Rose petals are symbolic of love, life, light, universal understanding, beauty, balance, faith, love, wisdom... the list goes on. Roses represent timeless perfection. You too, are perfect. Once you begin your healing process, you will realize it. There’s a Lily Of The Valley in this necklace. Lily Of The Valley means, “that which belongs to May,” or “May Lily”, and it symbolizes chastity, purity, happiness, luck and humility. We paired the Rose and Lily Of The Valley to remind you that you should aim to understand and accept all walks of life, whether more or less open than what you believe in. We are all connected, and for the most part, we are all still healing.
You get to choose the type of necklace that the vial is strung upon - we have white, grey, or beige hemp, blue cord, and a few different ribbon options. Your necklace can also be adjustable or secured with magnetic clasps. Upon selecting this necklace, we will contact you with photographs to choose from. Below are the descriptions of the crystals inside of your vial. We ethically foraged & dried the wildflowers here in New Hampshire and bottled them. Below are the metaphysical properties of Rose Quartz.
Rose Quartz- crystalline masses and rarely, hexagonal crystals that were considered a fertility stone for ages and used for healing female disorders and/or the heart, which led to it being a stone for ‘matters of the heart’. Asterism (‘star formation’) occurs when dumoriterite or rutile fibers grow within a quartz crystal lattice. Rose quartz is a calming stone that magnifies imagination and creativity, enhancing writing, art, and music; it specifically enhances female qualities and energy. Rose Quartz helps one to be gentle but firm, the soft overcoming the hard, strong, or stubborn. It encourages forgiveness, openness, and helpfulness and naturally, is good for the energy in the home. Rose quartz is a go-to for love, relationships, and romance; it eases worry and oversensitivity, while reminding one to fulfill elementary needs and have proper balance of self-love to enhance romance and the ability to love. Especially beneficial in times of crisis, phobias, fear, stress, anger, grief, guilt, jealousy, resentment, and feeling emotionally wounded - even if these feelings stem from childhood trauma or mentalities. Physical aspects- Rose quartz fortifies the heart and sexual organs, helps with sexual problems, menstruation cycle, and encourages fertility. It also stimulates the blood circulation in the tissues. Rose quartz is beneficial in the health of adrenal glands, heart, kidney, and spleen. It can ease general aches and pains, asthma, coughs, flu, and vertigo. Rose quartz is good for wrinkles, varicose veins, and burns (including sunburn). Rose quartz is helpful for detoxing. Astrological- Taurus & Libra ///chakra orientation: heart