The Fearless Search - ANKLET [Jade, Rose Quartz, Amazonite, & Onyx]
Who doesn't want a balanced life with smooth, fulfilling relationships, plenty of self acceptance, and a rich spiritual life? That's the path to be on! It can have obstacles, trials, and tribulations all the same as walking around asleep, living on auto-pilot. However, these crystals will help you find deeper meaning and awaken to how beautiful life (already) really is. Jade has been known as a luck stone for thousands of years; it helps bring about self-realization and awakens hidden knowledge - which means you will have access to more wisdom, positivity, and compassion. Jade helps sooth traumas, grief, and depression and brings balance to both the mental and physical body. (See the health benefits below). Rose Quartz will help you remember or learn how to love yourself which is more important than you think, especially for The Fearless Search to go smoothly - this includes balancing love for others and love for your_Self. Rose Quartz is calming, brigs inspiration to art, music, and creativity, and encourages forgiveness and openness. Relationships generally go better with Rose Quartz around, as it works against oversensitivity, fear, stress, anger, grief, guilt, jealousy, and resentment. Amazonite is added for relief from anxiety; it eases the nervous system and assures you to break free from victim mentality. Amazonite helps you take charge of your fate, giving you or enhancing courage and truth. Onyx will help you with some healthy egotism, being assertive with concentration and determination, and encourages self-realization also. The Onyx heart is on this anklet especially to help the rhythm of your spiritual development, and help you stay connected to your roots. Go forward, young sage, and find your highest self!
Full metaphysical properties:
Jade-monoclinic crystal system, chain silicates of pyroxene family of minerals (jadeite, nephrite, bowenite) in many colors including green, blue, brown, orange, red, gray, cream, white, lavender, and black. Known as good luck charm for thousands of years, especially the Far East for amulets and healing kidney stones. Helps one recognize themselves as a spiritual being, guiding through self-realization. Good for use in groups; helps create clear boundaries. Shortens hesitation, helps ready to action as aids in problem solving. Jade is a good 1st stones, especially for a child. While instilling modesty and awakening hidden inner knowledge, allows one to connect to their dreams with wisdom, positivity, and compassion, often bringing inner&outer peace and even shamanic access to spirit worlds. Helps create balance, rather than laziness or excess judgements. Jadeite is good in groups and for magic, and mending relationships. Nephrite is for protection, good yin/yang balance, and health in general. Bowenite is called “new jade” and is known as “stone of the warrior” and protects against enemies, brings love and friendship, and helps one reach goals and ambitions. Helps make a clean break from the past, helps if you must return to an old home. Aids in removal of self-imposed obstacles and brings success in business. Bowenite is also good for meditation, grief, depression, past traumas, and helps one connect with their ancestors. Physical components- betters physical balance. Detoxes/cleanses the blood and stimulates functioning of kidneys, balances metabolism of salts, and acid and alkali ratios. Decreases acne, and is good for skin and hair, bones, joints, and hips. Stimulates suprarenal glands and nervous system, literally known for increasing reaction/response time. Helps with restless leg syndrome and cramps, fertility, pms(menstrual problems), period pain, bacterial and viral infections, spleen, bladder, gallbladder, kidneys, and testicles. Also wear for general malaise, high blood pressure, lymphatic system, and the immune system. Chakra association- aids in emotional and physical well-being through the heart chakra. When unbalanced, the heart chakra can cause one to feel controlled but Jade can present a relaxed, lit path to higher understanding, awareness, and enlightenment. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Libra
Rose Quartz- crystalline masses and rarely, hexagonal crystals that were considered a fertility stone for ages and used for healing female disorders and/or the heart, which led to it being a stone for ‘matters of the heart’. Asterism (‘star formation’) occurs when dumoriterite or rutile fibers grow within a quartz crystal lattice. Rose quartz is a calming stone that magnifies imagination and creativity, enhancing writing, art, and music; it specifically enhances female qualities and energy. Rose Quartz helps one to be gentle but firm, the soft overcoming the hard, strong, or stubborn. It encourages forgiveness, openness, and helpfulness and naturally, is good for the energy in the home. Rose quartz is a go-to for love, relationships, and romance; it eases worry and oversensitivity, while reminding one to fulfill elementary needs and have proper balance of self-love to enhance romance and the ability to love. Especially beneficial in times of crisis, phobias, fear, stress, anger, grief, guilt, jealousy, resentment, and feeling emotionally wounded - even if these feelings stem from childhood trauma or mentalities. Physical aspects- Rose quartz fortifies the heart and sexual organs, helps with sexual problems, menstruation cycle, and encourages fertility. It also stimulates the blood circulation in the tissues. Rose quartz is beneficial in the health of adrenal glands, heart, kidney, and spleen. It can ease general aches and pains, asthma, coughs, flu, and vertigo. Rose quartz is good for wrinkles, varicose veins, and burns (including sunburn). Rose quartz is helpful for detoxing. Astrological- Taurus & Libra ///chakra orientation: heart
Amazonite- variety of feldspar and of microcline (or orthoclase or albite) that gets coloration from lead tras, recognized as precious gemstone since the Neolithic Era and 7000years ago used as amulets in Egypt- soothing “feel Better” stone of courage and truth, that balances yin and yang energies. Enhances creativity, self determination, nonverbal expression, and acts as a filter to lessen stress. Helps erase the illusion of being victimized, encouraging instead that one must take charge of their fate. Soothes energy in the workplace and at home; can help ease irritation, aggravation, sadness, apprehension, and nervousness. Brings peaceful nature, opens the mind to different perspectives. Aids in dealing with trauma and calms a troubled mind by helping balance rational thought and intuition in problem solving. Physical Qualities- good for the heart, nerves, and nervous system. Acts as an energy filter and blocks electromagnetic pollution; good to wear when using cellphones, computers, microwaves, and other electronic devices for protection. Regulates metabolic disturbances in the liver and relaxes cramps, even of the heart. Aids in cell regeneration after sprains and injury. Beneficial during childbirth by aiding birth canal. Helps harmonize the pituitary gland and the thymus gland. Chakra orientation- helps balance all chakras, but specifically aids in loving expression through the throat Chakra, the voice of the body. Regulates free expression and release of energy blockages from multiple chakras. Also associated with opening the heart chakra, cleansing toxins and helping maintain balance during interactions, while keeping a clear understanding of one’s own emotional needs. No direct zodiac affiliation; however, Aries and Leo have a “natural affinity” to amazonite, and is said to treat depression in Scorpios.
Onyx (marble)-layered multicolored variety of chalcedony that gets color from the iron and manganese, used in ancient times for sculptures, vases, idols. Should be worn for longer periods of time as the powers take time to take effect, can be held directly on affected areas or places in immediate surroundings. Known in Aztec culture to bring happiness to the home, also luck. Enhances flexibility and creativity, brings relief, improves ability to be assertive, and encourages self-realization. Encourages healthy egotism, helpful for pursuing goals with an enhanced determination, improves concentration, and directs responsibility back to oneself. Restores balance between sleep and rest, eases stress and pain. Makes people more relaxed and sensitive with a proper balance of yin/yang. Some people are influenced to argue in a conclusive manner, getting involved in a dispute if necessary. promotes rhythmic spiritual development. Good for the indecisive as it aids in decision making. Helps one take charge of their situation, eases grief and lack of self control. Onyx is good for those easily influenced. Helps one connect to their roots. Known for inspiring contact with “god”. Physical aspects- helps with poor eyesight. Sharpens sense of hearing, heals diseases of the inner ear. Removes blockages in connective tissue and promotes purification. Strengthens the immune system against infection. good for bone marrow and also the feet. Beneficial to the meniscus. Combats uncomfortableness in the liver, gall bladder, bones, joints, and intervertebral discs. ///Base chakra///Leo