Activate Fate [black & Botswana Agate, red Jasper, & Goldstone (star)]


medium (6.75")
  • medium (6.75")
  • med+ female (7.5") or male small

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Inner strength, spiritual awareness, logic, and staying focused and essential in the process of growth and maturity. Black Agate will help bring all of that and more to you. Botswana Agate willl comfort you in times of need, shielding you from evil. It was attempt to raise your self esteem, heal your hurts, and teach you how to unconditionally love and manifest. Red Jasper blesses you with determination, honesty, and maybe even rebirth. It all depends on you - you can Activate Fate. Jasper promotes making dreams come true. Goldstone will add some ambition, luck, and prosperity for you. Blessings on your transformation!

(black) Agate- there are many subcategories of agate depending on the nature of the formation (post-volcanic vs. sedimentary) and combination of other minerals and substances, and whether or not it fills a void completely or not (amygdule vs. geode). Variety of chalcedony/quartz. Protection stone as well as charm for good luck (pregnancy power) in India, Nepal, Tibet, also used for amulets and ‘eagle stone’ water glasses, said to relieve and even heal fear of pain, and giving the owner the favor of God. Black agate promotes faithfulness in relationships and brings inner strength and grounding. Good for seeing reality, maintaining focus, avoiding distractions. Agate dissolves internal tensions, tying lessons to advancing in levels of maturity, growth, and spiritualization. Highlights the will to live and survival instinct while strengthens logic and rational thought. Brings spiritual awareness into action. Promotes natural talents, helps in channeling and strengthening emotional energy and security. Physical elements- good for health of lymphatic system, colon, pancreas, and circulation; works with organs built up of different layers of skin and tissue. Helps with nausea, indigestion, gastroenteritis, stomach ulcers, bladder/intestinal inflammation, aromach cramps, and IBS. Involving the uterus as childbirth protects against disease and encourages normal shrinkage after delivery and is known as pregnancy stone for both mother and child. Good for sight and also varicose veins by strengthening blood vessels. During or before an “organ peak” the specific mineral of agate should be worn directly on the respective organ for emotional/spiritual optimization. During meditation, aids in self-diagnosis. Strengths the aura. Astrological- Capricorn, maybe Gemini-base chakra ——- stabilizes the aura by elimination or transformation of negative energies.

Botswana Agate- variant of banded chalcedony and is in the Quartz family, it can be pink, muted brown, apricot, orange, red, grey, white and is named after Botswana in Africa where it is called the “Sunset Stone” and claims it retains sunlight through the dark nights and is used to encourage potency in fertility ceremonies. Also mined in Italy, India, Germany, Mexico, the US, Brazil, and China and is said to offer protection from evil. optimum effect is achieved by wearing and/or placing on the heart or neck for 30 minutes daily or before bed. the black beads with white stripes create alertness. Botswanas send rings of repairing, healing energy through the heart, warming, calming, comforting despair and heartache in the the lonely, hurt, or ‘broken’. Eases stress and offers a positive self image and the ancient knowledge that everyone is loveable; yes, You. Once one understands that they are loveable, it shortens the distance to the place of consciousness that allows, practices, and nurtures unconditional love for others- a true key to humanity. Encourages and inspires turning dreams into reality, lots of creative manifestation opportunities. Pink agate provides love between parent and child. Good for children who do not deal very well with being teased or pressured by peers. Physical aspects- healing by treating fundamental cause of the ailment rather than just by symptoms. Helps rid sexual dysfunction in male and female persons, releases toxins, boosts immune system and calms nervous system. Known to aid ‘hollow’ organs like uterus and stomach , and remedy blood vessels and heart. Good for healing of the skin, and aids oxygen flow to the brain, helping circulatory system health flourish. Enhances mental focus and concentration. Moderates epilepsy symptoms , and aids in sleepwalking. Some believe it helps discover depression causes and treat symptoms. Heart chakra /// crown///Gemini

(red) Jasper- fine grained microcrystalline variety of Quartz, is red because of iron oxide inclusions. Used in ancient Egypt in the Middle Ages for amulets and for shaping scarab amulets, and according to legend, was set in Siegfried’s sword, Balmung. (when combined with Jet) offers protection. Encourages a warlike mentality; red jasper particularly known for being most dynamic at helping pursue/achieve goals by enhancing determination. Provides steady flow of energy and stimulates honesty to others and to oneself. Red jasper brings about change, rebirth with new ideas. Oftentimes jasper helps put ideas into action, stimulates the imagination. Good for meditation, astral travel, dream recall, and survival instincts. Physical aspects - prevents illness, and stimulates the circulation in the body as well as energy flow. Base chakra////Aries& Taurus///

Goldstone- Man-made glass stone from Italy that was created (by Vincenzo Miotti) in explorations of alchemical processes, that has copper inclusions. Goldstone is known for enhancing one’s ambition and confidence - bringing harmony closer. Goldstone is a lucky stone, that offers balance, strength, vitality and prosperity. It strengthens one’s chi. Goldstone also deflects negative energy. Physical aspects- Relieves pain from the joints and bones, and arthritis - especially the spinal column. Good for bones and circulation, and eases stomach tension and pain from burns. Reduces inflammation. //// Astrological- Sagittarius///chakra orientation: sacral////