Echo of the Universe [Blue Lace Agate & Picasso]


med+ female (7.5") or male small ($28.99)

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There are 2 different crystals that make up this bracelet - the Blue Lace Agate are the chips and both circular beads are cuts of Picasso. Both stones are grounding and calming. Picasso was noticed by the Greeks and Romans for it's transformative power. It removes the subconscious thoughts that relate to anxiety or repressed issues. Picasso brings a sort of awakening that reminds you to have healthy boundaries. Sometimes the Echo of the Universe is telling you that you do not have to put up with certain things; Picasso helps you solve problems and upgrade your perspective & belief systems. Blue Lace Agate specializes in the spiritual realm. It enhances all communication, especially the communication of spiritual thoughts. One of Blue Lace Agate's physical properties is that it is good for the eyes and arthritis. See below for what else to expect with this duo. Hearing the way can help you find your way to the path you belong on.

Detailed crystal descriptions below:
Blue Lace Agate - variety of agate that is pale blue and white banded in color. Blue Lace Agate is a calming stone that promotes emotional stability and brings balance. It improves communication on all levels. Blue Lace Agate is said to assist with attunement and raise one’s spiritual level - improving the communication of spiritual ideas also. Physical aspects- When drank as an elixir, soothes tired eyes. Wearing Blue Lace Agate is beneficial for broken bones and fractures, trapped nerves, arthritis, and skin growths. It helps fluid retention. Blue Lace Agate is good for eyesight, speech, nails, and the pancreas. It works on the organs that are built up of different layers of skin and tissue, encouraging regeneration and growth.Chakra association: throat////Pisces

Picasso (marble jasper) - not much physically distinguishable for marble(Greek ‘marmaros’, ‘white stone’) other than differentiation by patterns and markings. Greeks and Romans had traditions about the transforming power of these stones, and acknowledged their ability to turn sorrow to joy, and symbolized wealth, splendour, and glory. Good for creativity, change, and art. Grounding and calming stone that brings perseverance and helps with unsettling subconscious thoughts, anxiety, and stress. Aids in removing emotional dissatisfaction, after bringing repressed issues to the surface. This sort of awakening reveals truth, and the fact that certain factors, one absolutely does Not have to put up with. Opens up new perspectives, belief systems, and creative problem solving techniques. Physical aspects- helps carpal tunnel syndrome! Aids in weight loss. Very helpful for detox. Improves the processing of calcium in the body. ///Cancer& Sagittarius/// sacral chakra