Soft Inner Voice [Tiger's Eye, Jade, Turquoise, Picasso (star) Rose Quartz, Moonstone, Sodalite, &black Agate - Set of 3 - (anger_relief)]


small (6.25")
  • small (6.25")
  • medium (6.75")
  • med+ female (7.5") or male small

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This set of 3 is just what you need to quit anger before it starts. Black Agate will help you channel emotional energy and security, and promotes faithfulness in relationships. Picasso (the star) brings perseverance and will help you form new perspectives. Sodalite, during the development process, will raise your self-esteem and also put grace and compassion to work. Jade will awaken some hidden knowledge and instill modesty into your life, bringing you inner&outer peace, and can help you create clear boundaries. Moonstone brings a calm piece of mind, promotes compassion, and soothes the inner self. It is also extremely helpful for menstrual issues of all sorts. Tiger's Eye will instill courage and intuition and ease fear, worry, and negativity. Turquoise assures that you will be balanced (no mood swings!), express yourself with clarity and ease, and remind you that you are in control of your fate. Rose Quartz will enhance your creativity and art and will help you with forgiveness and self-love. Hear your Soft Inner Voice and enjoy each moment!

Tiger’s Eye- member of the Quartz family that shows chatoyancy, which is an optical reflectance effect created by the fibrous asbestos structuration that can be gold, yellow, brown, ‘blue hawk’s eye’, and ‘red falcon’s eye’; all known as a calming “feel better” or “go for it!” stone. Enhances intuition and gut feelings and is helpful for investigations. Police officers, scientists, accountants, and those in the insurance profession are said to be some of the most benefited by this stone. Tiger’s Eye is good for those who are deliberately obstructive and helps to dissipate fear, depression, worry, negativity, and introversion, and turmoil. Good for many people, especially those needing courage, help with inhibitions, those entering new beginnings, or anyone who just needs to sharpen the mind a bit. Tiger’s Eye is known to bring wealth! It provides balance not only for left/right brain but also yin/yang. Aids in absent/distant healing especially through meditation. Physical aspects- Good for improving nocturnal vison, and aids in eye diseases. Helps heal broken bones and good for flatulence! Maintains health of the digestive system, eases nausea and diverticulosis, and helps with digestive disorders. Chakra association: solar plexus///Capricorn////

Jade-monoclinic crystal system, chain silicates of pyroxene family of minerals (jadeite, nephrite, bowenite) in many colors including green, blue, brown, orange, red, gray, cream, white, lavender, and black. Known as good luck charm for thousands of years, especially the Far East for amulets and healing kidney stones. Helps one recognize themselves as a spiritual being, guiding through self-realization. Good for use in groups; helps create clear boundaries. Shortens hesitation, helps ready to action as aids in problem solving. Jade is a good 1st stones, especially for a child. While instilling modesty and awakening hidden inner knowledge, allows one to connect to their dreams with wisdom, positivity, and compassion, often bringing inner&outer peace and even shamanic access to spirit worlds. Helps create balance, rather than laziness or excess judgements. Jadeite is good in groups and for magic, and mending relationships. Nephrite is for protection, good yin/yang balance, and health in general. Bowenite is called “new jade” and is known as “stone of the warrior” and protects against enemies, brings love and friendship, and helps one reach goals and ambitions. Helps make a clean break from the past, helps if you must return to an old home. Aids in removal of self-imposed obstacles and brings success in business. Bowenite is also good for meditation, grief, depression, past traumas, and helps one connect with their ancestors. Physical components- betters physical balance. Detoxes/cleanses the blood and stimulates functioning of kidneys, balances metabolism of salts,and acid and alkali ratios. Decreases acne, and is good for skin and hair, bones, joints, and hips. Stimulates suprarenal glands and nervous system, literally known for increasing reaction/response time. Helps with restless leg syndrome and cramps, fertility, pms(menstrual problems), period pain, bacterial and viral infections, spleen, bladder, gallbladder, kidneys, and testicles. Also wear for general malaise, high blood pressure, lymphatic system, and the immune system. Chakra association- aids in emotional and physical well-being through the heart chakra. When unbalanced, the heart chakra can cause one to feel controlled but Jade can present a relaxed, lit path to higher understanding, awareness, and enlightenment. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Libra

Turquoise- blue, green, or blue/green masses (rarely in the form of crystals) created in the oxidation zone of copper deposits when water containing phosphate seep, or in rocks that contain aluminum and phosphate through copper solutions, discovered in Turkey by Crusaders. Turquoise was used for protection and also back magic in history and is said to change color to warn of oncoming danger when carried on one’s person. Even today it is known for protection in safe travels, near or far. Normally it should be worn, carried, or held on the solar plexus or over the thymus gland for best results, for 20 minutes a day at least. Turquoise helps one see that faith is theirs, the luck their own creation. It can the identify problems one brings upon themselves, and bring awareness of why things happen. It promotes self-expression, communication, wisdom, and courage, aiding in public speaking and writing. Turquoise is also for compassion, romance, love, and friendship - helps one see the beauty in every little thing. Turquoise is balancing for the emotions, bringing peace of mind and yin/yang balance, often dissolving a suspicious or negative mind, and offering mental and spiritual clarity needed to forge one’s own path. Turquoise refreshes the tired and exhausted, balances extreme mood fluctuations, and protects one from sensitivity to others, while dissolving apathy and even self-pity. Turquoise helps enhance intuition, foresight, liveliness, and readiness to act. It is useful to aid in meditation, grounding peak experiences, astral travel, spirit contact, pretty much all psychic abilities, and spirituality in general. Physical aspects- Turquoise is a multi-purpose healer, helps absorption of nutrients, neutralizes acidity in the body, and can alleviate gout, stomach problems and viral infections. It is good for the lungs, throat, muscles, and circulation. Tuquoise is helpful for rheumatism, muscle strength, relief from pain or cramps, backache, general malise, arthritis, skeletal pain, whiplash, air sickness, and certainly has anti-inflammatory properties. Turquoise eases breathing, whether it be hindered by allergies, asthma, bronchitis, or flu. It alleviates the harmful effects of radition. Turquoise is detoxifying, increases growth, brain activity, and sensory perception, and has the ability to regenerate tissue in the body and aid post-operative recovery. Turquoise is also known to help with cataracts and wounds, wind pains, weight gain, and when drank as an elixer, stress-related skin disorders. Turquoise also aids in the creation of warmth for the body. Astrological- Scorpio, Sagittarius & Pisces/// chakra orientation: throat

Picasso (marble jasper) - not much physically distinguishable for marble(Greek ‘marmaros’, ‘white stone’) other than differentiation by patterns and markings. Greeks and Romans had traditions about the transforming power of these stones, and acknowledged their ability to turn sorrow to joy, and symbolized wealth, splendour, and glory. Good for creativity, change, and art. Grounding and calming stone that brings perseverance and helps with unsettling subconscious thoughts, anxiety, and stress. Aids in removing emotional dissatisfaction, after bringing repressed issues to the surface. This sort of awakening reveals truth, and the fact that certain factors, one absolutely does Not have to put up with. Opens up new perspectives, belief systems, and creative problem solving techniques. Physical aspects- helps carpal tunnel syndrome! Aids in weight loss. Very helpful for detox. Improves the processing of calcium in the body. ///Cancer& Sagittarius/// sacral chakra

Rose Quartz- crystalline masses and rarely, hexagonal crystals that were considered a fertility stone for ages and used for healing female disorders and/or the heart, which led to it being a stone for ‘matters of the heart’. Asterism (‘star formation’) occurs when dumoriterite or rutile fibers grow within a quartz crystal lattice. Rose quartz is a calming stone that magnifies imagination and creativity, enhancing writing, art, and music; it specifically enhances female qualities and energy. Rose Quartz helps one to be gentle but firm, the soft overcoming the hard, strong, or stubborn. It encourages forgiveness, openness, and helpfulness and naturally, is good for the energy in the home. Rose quartz is a go-to for love, relationships, and romance; it eases worry and oversensitivity, while reminding one to fulfill elementary needs and have proper balance of self-love to enhance romance and the ability to love. Especially beneficial in times of crisis, phobias, fear, stress, anger, grief, guilt, jealousy, resentment, and feeling emotionally wounded - even if these feelings stem from childhood trauma or mentalities. Physical aspects- Rose quartz fortifies the heart and sexual organs, helps with sexual problems, menstruation cycle, and encourages fertility. It also stimulates the blood circulation in the tissues. Rose quartz is beneficial in the health of adrenal glands, heart, kidney, and spleen. It can ease general aches and pains, asthma, coughs, flu, and vertigo. Rose quartz is good for wrinkles, varicose veins, and burns (including sunburn). Rose quartz is helpful for detoxing. Astrological- Taurus & Libra ///chakra orientation: heart

Moonstone- a magmatic alkali feldspar with layers of orthoclase (potassium feldspar) or albite (sodium feldspar) with pearly luster in cream color, brown, white, and gray shades or can be yellow, blue, green, or rainbow, with sometimes a blue or white shimmer from light refracting. Moonstone can be worn or placed on the forehead or the heart for the emotions. Associated with the moon, hence tradition links it to intuition, the heart, emotions, and fertility. In the Far East, the orient, and Europe recognized as a luck stone, used for love magic at times. Releases energy blocks, while helping remove oversensitivity, pessimism, and repeated patterns/cycles. Brings a calm peace of mind with control, balance, composure, and confidence. enhances care and compassion. Said to increase mediumistic abilities and clairvoyance, and increases depth of feeling. Enhances intuition, refines the (subconscious) perception of light which, because the pineal gland is sensitive to light, can balance hormonal cycles to nature’s rhythm. May alter reactions to sudden, impulsive circumstances, can make one open to adventure and aware of examples of synergy, but one living in Illusion should be careful not to overanalyze. Soothes emotions and the inner self. Good for creativity, insight, wisdom, passion, change, new beginning, and endings. Encourages lucid dreaming and improves recall of dream content. Physical aspects- stimulates functioning of the pineal gland, balances hormones, enhances women’s fertility, and regulates and eases menstrual problems after childbirth and during menopause. Helpful during premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and period pain. Promotes a youthful appearance. Limits tendency to sleepwalk. Helps with constipation, water retention, swelling, insect bites, and anaphylactic shock (extreme allergic reaction). Place on forehead or heart when not wearing, to experience spiritual side effects. ///Cancer, Libra, Scorpio///sacral chakra

Sodalite-named in 1811 for the sodium it contains,an enhancer and filter crystal- filters out the negative and absorbs positive energy which can be used to manifest the thoughts needed to implement change through actions. Encourages drive for truth and idealism, allowing oneself to observe in a nonjudgmental way, our suppressed ways of being and live life feeling free and consciously, dissolving guilt and old habits which are no longer desired. Sodalite can bring grace, compassion, service to others, and renew respect in oneself. Raises self esteem and eases inadequacy or oversensitivity while allowing one to express feelings openly. Helps people to stand up for what they’re feeling and to live those feelings out so one can excel into the next cycle of development. Good in groups, helps confusion and mental unrest, and creates order. Helps increase endurance with ideas and creative expression. Healing stone that is good for mental health. Physical aspects-health regulator for the metabolic and lymphatic systems. good for physical balance and stimulates absorption of fluids in the body when held about 30 minutes a day. Helps ailments related to the throat, larynx, and vocal chords including long term hoarseness. Helps autism, aging, insomnia. Lowers high blood pressure, helps diabetes, combats calcium deficiency, and aids in Bone Marrow Disease. Also beneficial to development of babies. Chakra association: brow chakra, it increases awareness. reason why.... Sagittarius is the astrology association.

(black) Agate- there are many subcategories of agate depending on the nature of the formation (post-volcanic vs. sedimentary) and combination of other minerals and substances, and whether or not it fills a void completely or not (amygdule vs. geode). Variety of chalcedony/quartz. Protection stone as well as charm for good luck (pregnancy power) in India, Nepal, Tibet, also used for amulets and ‘eagle stone’ water glasses, said to relieve and even heal fear of pain, and giving the owner the favor of God. Black agate promotes faithfulness in relationships and brings inner strength and grounding. Good for seeing reality, maintaining focus, avoiding distractions. Agate dissolves internal tensions, tying lessons to advancing in levels of maturity, growth, and spiritualization. Highlights the will to live and survival instinct while strengthens logic and rational thought. Brings spiritual awareness into action. Promotes natural talents, helps in channeling and strengthening emotional energy and security. Physical elements- good for health of lymphatic system, colon, pancreas, and circulation; works with organs built up of different layers of skin and tissue. Helps with nausea, indigestion, gastroenteritis, stomach ulcers, bladder/intestinal inflammation, aromach cramps, and IBS. Involving the uterus as childbirth protects against disease and encourages normal shrinkage after delivery and is known as pregnancy stone for both mother and child. Good for sight and also varicose veins by strengthening blood vessels. During or before an “organ peak” the specific mineral of agate should be worn directly on the respective organ for emotional/spiritual optimization. During meditation, aids in self-diagnosis. Strengths the aura. Astrological- Capricorn, maybe Gemini-base chakra ——- stabilizes the aura by elimination or transformation of negative energies.