Spiritual Contribution [Serpentine Jade & Fluorite]
Spiritual Contribution features some of my favorite shades of Fluorite paired with Serpentine Jade selections that created a sequence you can get lost in so easily! As you marvel at nature's infinite details, Fluorite aids you slip into meditation to confront the subconscious blocks while Serpentine Jade shields your thoughts and steers you towards inner peace. Spiritual Contribution is truly a standout for those ready to achieve the next step in their faith and oneness.
Additionally, this combination has the following metaphysical benefits:
Serpentine (jade)- created through metamorphosis of magnesium-rich silicates, found mostly as masses,fibers, and layered “plates” and only found as crystals inside other minerals. When the stone has weblike pattern, it is because of the presence of magnetite. Referred to as ‘serpent stone’ because if snakelike pattern. Up until Middle Ages was believed to protect against disease and witchcraft, and was carved into ‘fright stones’ which were ugly-faced amulets. Good for art, general creativity, and finding inner peace. Known to balance mood swings, lessen stress and tension, and protects one from effects of negative energy. Serpentine helps when setting boundaries. Regulates healthy flow of energy, good for emotions and meditation. Helpful for women who are unable to climax/orgasm due to high tension levels. Physical aspects- helps hypoglycemia, diabetes, and parasites. Helpful when the heart is having disturbances in rhythm. Helpful for calcium and magnesium deficiencies, kidney and stomach complaints, balances over-acidification, relaxes cramps, and alleviates menstrual pain. ////Heart chakra////Gemini////
Fluorite- cubic, octahedral, and rhombododecahedral crystals and masses formed hydrothermally and magmatically or sedimentary; are predominantly purple, clear, yellow, but can be blue or rainbow with clear, sometimes green, pink, red, brown, black. Referred to as fluor spar since the eighteenth century, it was considered a “spar” categorically. Good for the mind and for meditation, when worn, held, or placed in a work environment (preferably near a computer/screen). Fluorite creates order out of chaos. It allows the mind to work effectively even in stressful situations, by helping ease over-excitement and stress, and aiding in concentration and decision making. It nourishes creativity. Fluorite is known to reveal if outside forces are succeeding in controlling a person and then helps put that to rest. By doing so, it can create temporary mannerisms that are radical and without compromise concerning oppressive structures. Stimulates the ‘free spirit’ that helps form ones life, but in a balanced way, because it allows one to help structure their existence using stable but dynamic systems. Good for relationships and for use in groups. Fluorite stimulates quick thinking. Can help sort, filter ,and prevent fixed ideas, blockages in thought, and behavioral patterns. Fluroite takes suppressed emotions and gradually helps one to confront them, by opening the subconscious a bit and then upon a trigger (an external event), one will experience a rush of emotions; Fluorite then has a stabilizing effect, clearing confusion, bringing self-confidence up a notch, organizing thoughts rapidly and bringng back learned knowledge and experience for whatever the situation. Physical aspects- good for blood vessels and spleen. Fortifies the bones and teeth. Stimulates regeneration of sthe skin and mucous membranes, pariticularly in the resporotry tract and the lungs. Helps with colds, flu, virulent infections, ulcers, suppurating wounds. Also aids in weight gain as well as eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia. Beneficial in early stages of cancer, and aids in detox. Alleviates the tiring effect of working in front of a computer screen. Also helps with herpes, and decreases adhesions and helps with posture problems, so good for backache, and lumbago. Fluorite helps with physical mobility, improves stiffness and joint issues, especially in the case of inflammation from arthritis. Alleviates psychosomatic allergies and encourages the cerebrum and activity of the nervous system. Chakra orientation: brow////Capricorn and Pisces
(purple)- Aids in communication. Helpful during new lessons, both spiritual and physical. Physical aspects- Good for bones and bone marrow. Helps dis-ease on a spiritual level as well. Chakra orientation: crown/brow/// Capricorn and Pisces
(clear)- good for the aura, links the physical and spiritual together in experiences. Physical aspects- good for the eyes. Chakra association: crown ....Capricorn and Pisces