Less Tension [Turquoise & Serpentine Jade]


small (6.24")

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Both Turquoise and Serpentine bring you protection, while Turquoise additionally offers you luck, safe travels, and relief from allergies. Feel free to excel in all that you do, whether it be going to work, getting things done at home, or enjoying the outdoors while breathing deep and steady. Serpentine has a way of releasing all our built-up tension & mellowing mood swings. This crystal combination supports healthy handling of a high stress life so you can get back to doing what you love. Also, know that this bracelet is good for those with diabetes!

Full metaphysical descriptions:
Turquoise- blue, green, or blue/green masses (rarely in the form of crystals) created in the oxidation zone of copper deposits when water containing phosphate seep, or in rocks that contain aluminum and phosphate through copper solutions, discovered in Turkey by Crusaders. Turquoise was used for protection and also back magic in history and is said to change color to warn of oncoming danger when carried on one’s person. Even today it is known for protection in safe travels, near or far. Normally it should be worn, carried, or held on the solar plexus or over the thymus gland for best results, for 20 minutes a day at least. Turquoise helps one see that faith is theirs, the luck their own creation. It can the identify problems one brings upon themselves, and bring awareness of why things happen. It promotes self-expression, communication, wisdom, and courage, aiding in public speaking and writing. Turquoise is also for compassion, romance, love, and friendship - helps one see the beauty in every little thing. Turquoise is balancing for the emotions, bringing peace of mind and yin/yang balance, often dissolving a suspicious or negative mind, and offering mental and spiritual clarity needed to forge one’s own path. Turquoise refreshes the tired and exhausted, balances extreme mood fluctuations, and protects one from sensitivity to others, while dissolving apathy and even self-pity. Turquoise helps enhance intuition, foresight, liveliness, and readiness to act. It is useful to aid in meditation, grounding peak experiences, astral travel, spirit contact, pretty much all psychic abilities, and spirituality in general. Physical aspects- Turquoise is a multi-purpose healer, helps absorption of nutrients, neutralizes acidity in the body, and can alleviate gout, stomach problems and viral infections. It is good for the lungs, throat, muscles, and circulation. Tuquoise is helpful for rheumatism, muscle strength, relief from pain or cramps, backache, general malise, arthritis, skeletal pain, whiplash, air sickness, and certainly has anti-inflammatory properties. Turquoise eases breathing, whether it be hindered by allergies, asthma, bronchitis, or flu. It alleviates the harmful effects of radition. Turquoise is detoxifying, increases growth, brain activity, and sensory perception, and has the ability to regenerate tissue in the body and aid post-operative recovery. Turquoise is also known to help with cataracts and wounds, wind pains, weight gain, and when drank as an elixer, stress-related skin disorders. Turquoise also aids in the creation of warmth for the body. Astrological- Scorpio, Sagittarius & Pisces/// chakra orientation: throat

Serpentine (jade)- created through metamorphosis of magnesium-rich silicates, found mostly as masses,fibers, and layered “plates” and only found as crystals inside other minerals. When the stone has weblike pattern, it is because of the presence of magnetite. Referred to as ‘serpent stone’ because if snakelike pattern. Up until Middle Ages was believed to protect against disease and witchcraft, and was carved into ‘fright stones’ which were ugly-faced amulets. Good for art, general creativity, and finding inner peace. Known to balance mood swings, lessen stress and tension, and protects one from effects of negative energy. Serpentine helps when setting boundaries. Regulates healthy flow of energy, good for emotions and meditation. Helpful for women who are unable to climax/orgasm due to high tension levels. Physical aspects- helps hypoglycemia, diabetes, and parasites. Helpful when the heart is having disturbances in rhythm. Helpful for calcium and magnesium deficiencies, kidney and stomach complaints, balances over-acidification, relaxes cramps, and alleviates menstrual pain. ////Heart chakra////Gemini////