Broken Goddess [Botswana& black Agate, Amethyst, Serpentine, brown&grey Agate, & Onyx - double wrap]


small (12") double-wrap

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Addiction can certainly make you feel worthless, but you can heal, Broken Goddess. Both Agates (black & Botswana) offer double+ protection and remind you that you too, are lovable. Agate helps you to channel your energy so you can be emotionally ready for healing from harmful cycles. Botswana Agate provides comfort from heartache and that broken feeling. Brown&grey Agate all the while will fight fatigue and help you stay motivated and open up to safety and support. Amethyst shines as another source of protection, especially helpful when dealing with addiction, when you must 'face the music', so to say. Amethyst has a sobering effect and eases OCD, soothes emotions, and helps you to overcome the 'impossible'. Serpentine will help bring an abundance of peace, releasing the grips tension usually has on you. The heart shaped Onyx piece on the bracelet is there to help you maintain yin/yang balance and have a healthy ego, straying away from being influenced so easily. Good luck & blessings for a speedy recovery. YOU CAN DO IT! Go grasp your Future For Freedom!

(black) Agate- there are many subcategories of agate depending on the nature of the formation (post-volcanic vs. sedimentary) and combination of other minerals and substances, and whether or not it fills a void completely or not (amygdule vs. geode). Variety of chalcedony/quartz. Protection stone as well as charm for good luck (pregnancy power) in India, Nepal, Tibet, also used for amulets and ‘eagle stone’ water glasses, said to relieve and even heal fear of pain, and giving the owner the favor of God. Black agate promotes faithfulness in relationships and brings inner strength and grounding. Good for seeing reality, maintaining focus, avoiding distractions. Agate dissolves internal tensions, tying lessons to advancing in levels of maturity, growth, and spiritualization. Highlights the will to live and survival instinct while strengthens logic and rational thought. Brings spiritual awareness into action. Promotes natural talents, helps in channeling and strengthening emotional energy and security. Physical elements- good for health of lymphatic system, colon, pancreas, and circulation; works with organs built up of different layers of skin and tissue. Helps with nausea, indigestion, gastroenteritis, stomach ulcers, bladder/intestinal inflammation, aromach cramps, and IBS. Involving the uterus as childbirth protects against disease and encourages normal shrinkage after delivery and is known as pregnancy stone for both mother and child. Good for sight and also varicose veins by strengthening blood vessels. During or before an “organ peak” the specific mineral of agate should be worn directly on the respective organ for emotional/spiritual optimization. During meditation, aids in self-diagnosis. Strengths the aura. Astrological- Capricorn, maybe Gemini-base chakra ——- stabilizes the aura by elimination or transformation of negative energies.

Botswana Agate- variant of banded chalcedony and is in the Quartz family, it can be pink, muted brown, apricot, orange, red, grey, white and is named after Botswana in Africa where it is called the “Sunset Stone” and claims it retains sunlight through the dark nights and is used to encourage potency in fertility ceremonies. Also mined in Italy, India, Germany, Mexico, the US, Brazil, and China and is said to offer protection from evil. optimum effect is achieved by wearing and/or placing on the heart or neck for 30 minutes daily or before bed. the black beads with white stripes create alertness. Botswanas send rings of repairing, healing energy through the heart, warming, calming, comforting despair and heartache in the the lonely, hurt, or ‘broken’. Eases stress and offers a positive self image and the ancient knowledge that everyone is loveable; yes, You. Once one understands that they are loveable, it shortens the distance to the place of consciousness that allows, practices, and nurtures
unconditional love for others- a true key to humanity. Encourages and inspires turning dreams into reality, lots of creative manifestation opportunities. Pink agate provides love between parent and child. Good for children who do not deal very well with being teased or pressured by peers. Physical aspects- healing by treating fundamental cause of the ailment rather than just by symptoms. Helps rid sexual dysfunction in male and female persons, releases toxins, boosts immune system and calms nervous system. Known to aid ‘hollow’ organs like uterus and stomach , and remedy blood vessels and heart. Good for healing of the skin, and aids oxygen flow to the brain, helping circulatory system health flourish. Enhances mental focus and concentration. Moderates epilepsy symptoms , and aids in sleepwalking. Some believe it helps discover depression causes and treat symptoms. Heart chakra /// crown///Gemini

(Brown& grey striped/banded) Agate- a variety of chalcedony strengthens the aura, promotes natural talent. Known to prevent road accidents while traveling and acts as a shield and is good for the release of stored energy. Said to help quitting smoking cigarettes. Grey agate encourages intellectual pursuits. Good for channeling emotional energy and security, and for balancing sexual energy, and encourages faithfulness in relationships, and likewise cuts ties to previous partners, replenishing the energy ‘lost’ there. This agate is a powerful healer, that overcomes negativity in many forms, even for a bitter heart. Healing inner anger, especially involving past trauma or internal conflict, tension, repression, and switching one’s mindset to that of courage, safety, support, and no longer obsession over problems or destructive mental patterns. Learn to overcome the past, physical or mental poisoning of thought and as mental functioning improves one’s analytical abilities, begin to make practical decisions and change perception. Said to aid self diagnosis and reveal the reality of perceived hidden circumstances, bringing to attention what in the body is interfering with wellbeing. Physical aspects- Helps fight fatigue, general malaise, and myalgic encephalomyelitis. Cleanses lymphatic system, stabilizes physical energy, strengthens blood vessels. Helps heal skin disorders, good for reprogramming cellular memory after mortification. ////Scorpio////sacral chakra base&root - heals and balances physical and spiritual energy, can renew lethargy and low enthusiasm, raising motivation and connecting One to the earth by mind and spirit as well.

Amethyst- Part of the group of crystal quartz that forms large visible crystals, the coloration is due to traces of quadrivalent iron (manganese and iron inclusions) in the crystal lattice. Is meant to be worn, preferably touching the skin, or held in meditation. Amethyst amplifies/magnifies the energy of other crystals, and works for protection, and physical, mental, and emotional balance. The name is drive from Greece and means ‘non-inebriated’ and Amethyst has a sober, clearing effect. Amethyst, used for purification rituals historically, encourages consciously dealing with perception - helping one face up to all experiences, whether pleasant or unpleasant (helpful for alcoholism and addiction). Amethyst also helps one move forward in life, cope with change and responsibility, and calms nerves, passion, tension, oversensitivity, grief, and balances emotional energy. It encourages chastity and relieves homesickness. Amethyst heightens concentration and effective thinking (and action), and helps with decision making, negotiating, and public speaking, as well as business success and wealth. In the middle ages Konrad of Megenberg claimed amethyst could “make a person better, disperse bad thoughts, bring good common sense and make one mild and gentle“. Amethyst does help with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), anger and violent tendencies, and raises self-esteem. It enhances the aura, meditation, spirituality, and spirit contact. In Arabic countries, Amethyst has also been known for healing affects for skin diseases and swelling, and (a clear piece) was placed under the pillow to prevent nightmares, however; Amethyst has been said to stimulate dreams at first, then clarify dream images and undigested impressions, followed by the deliverance of calm, clear, refreshing sleep. Even whilst one is awake, stimulating intuition and inspiration, Amethyst brings constant spiritual wakefulness, and direct insight into one’s spiritual reality. Amethyst aids in meditation, providing a quiet mind in order to find deep inner peace, usually stemming from our inner wisdom. Amethyst aids and sadness and grief and helps one come to terms with loss. As far as addictive behavior is concerned, Amethyst aids in overcoming the ‘uncontrollable’ behaviors as well as one’s own blocks. Physical aspects- Amethyst aids detoxing and blood cleansing, and is certainly helpful in dealing with addictions, alcoholism, and actual drunkenness. Amethyst heals the causes of dis-ease, helps get rid of pain, releases tension, and helps with insomnia. This type of quartz is good for cancer and health of the immune system, circulatory system, and sympathetic nervous systems. Amethyst assists injuries, rapidly reducing bruising and swelling, and also helps with bad posture. When drank as an elixir, Amethyst helps arthritis. Amethyst is particularly useful for tense headaches or migraines, nervous complaints, hearing, and eyestrain. Amethyst is beneficial for high blood pressure, blood clots, bronchial and lung issues, bowel disorders, and diarrhea; it regulates the initial flora of the large intestine which can help drastically with treatment of parasitical infection, and bacterial and viral infections. Amethyst is good for the stomach, liver, endocrine glands, heart, teeth, and bones. Amethyst can also help with itching, rashes, spots, acne, and other skin complaints. Astrological- Pisces ///Chakra orientation: crown

Serpentine (jade)- created through metamorphosis of magnesium-rich silicates, found mostly as masses,fibers, and layered “plates” and only found as crystals inside other minerals. When the stone has weblike pattern, it is because of the presence of magnetite. Referred to as ‘serpent stone’ because if snakelike pattern. Up until Middle Ages was believed to protect against disease and witchcraft, and was carved into ‘fright stones’ which were ugly-faced amulets. Good for art, general creativity, and finding inner peace. Known to balance mood swings, lessen stress and tension, and protects one from effects of negative energy. Serpentine helps when setting boundaries. Regulates healthy flow of energy, good for emotions and meditation. Helpful for women who are unable to climax/orgasm due to high tension levels. Physical aspects- helps hypoglycemia, diabetes, and parasites. Helpful when the heart is having disturbances in rhythm. Helpful for calcium and magnesium deficiencies, kidney and stomach complaints, balances over-acidification, relaxes cramps, and alleviates menstrual pain. ////Heart chakra////Gemini////

Onyx (marble)-layered multicolored variety of chalcedony that gets color from the iron and manganese, used in ancient times for sculptures, vases, idols. Should be worn for longer periods of time as the powers take time to take effect, can be held directly on affected areas or places in immediate surroundings. Known in Aztec culture to bring happiness to the home, also luck. Enhances flexibility and creativity, brings relief, improves ability to be assertive, and encourages self-realization. Encourages healthy egotism, helpful for pursuing goals with an enhanced determination, improves concentration, and directs responsibility back to oneself. Restores balance between sleep and rest, eases stress and pain. Makes people more relaxed and sensitive with a proper balance of yin/yang. Some people are influenced to argue in a conclusive manner, getting involved in a dispute if necessary. promotes rhythmic spiritual development. Good for the indecisive as it aids in decision making. Helps one take charge of their situation, eases grief and lack of self control. Onyx is good for those easily influenced. Helps one connect to their roots. Known for inspiring contact with “god”. Physical aspects- helps with poor eyesight. Sharpens sense of hearing, heals diseases of the inner ear. Removes blockages in connective tissue and promotes purification. Strengthens the immune system against infection. good for bone marrow and also the feet. Beneficial to the meniscus. Combats uncomfortableness in the liver, gall bladder, bones, joints, and intervertebral discs. ///Base chakra///Leo


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