Unakite & clear Quartz Corked Vial Necklace
This duo of crystals was paired together to help whoever wears it to be present and mindful. It is hard enough trying to be present, with all of our schedules and work demands. Unakite is very helpful for emotions and brings yin/yang balance (feminine and masculinity). Unakite reminds you that you are not defined by mistakes, and helps you wipe your slate clean, so to say. This necklace is especially good for anyone experiencing grief. Quartz in an enhancer crystal that has a "feel better" vibe as well. Clear Quartz brings energy and strength and generally improves wellbeing. It can remind you of some ideas/concepts that you may have forgotten, and such brings back capabilities you may have felt like you "lost". Quartz also helps meditation, so this necklace should help you get back to where you want to be. Woke and grateful despite the circumstances.
Full crystal description:
Unakite- igneous rock that is mostly pink orthoclase (&/or feldspar?) or green epidote, sometimes containing Quartz or other minerals. Helps yin/yang balance, and is good for emotions in general. Unakite helps one overcome self-imposed blocks. Epidote dissolves false self-image, creating awareness of reality which includes one’s strengths and weaknesses. With this, to ‘regenerate’ is attainable, bringing one back to an original positive inner understanding of a happy and healthy existence. Epidote is also known for helping teach that making mistakes does not devalue you, instead lifting away painful old emotions and dissolving self-pity, sorrow, and such feelings. Unakite provides assistance when experiencing grief, not only from loss of loved one, but also grief related to lost ideas/goals/dreams/concepts. When one is changing directions in life, it ensures the ability to cope as it is good for being in the present moment and for helping accept past experiences. Also known to aid in accessing past lives. Physical aspects- encourages weight gain. Good for fertility and pregnancy; beneficial to the health of the fetus. Encourages the healing process, stimulates the immune system. Stimulates the central organ of regeneration, the liver and encourages the production of gall. Improves the digestive process in the small intestine which lets more nutrients be absorbed into the bloodstream, thus builds up a fortifying effect. ///Scorpio///heart chakra
clear Quartz - comes in many, many formations and varieties - most abundant mineral on the surface of the Earth (70% of land we walk on is formed with Quartz and other silicates). Quartz crystals are usually clear or white hexagonal crystals and masses, with inclusions sometimes. When the Quartz is pure and clear, it is often referred to as Rock Crystal (Greeks thought it to be deeply frozen ice); however, there are many subcategories of Quartz, each with specific qualities. Quartz supplies strength and energy, has been long known to protect against demons and disease, and has been thought by all cultures to heal and aid in magic. Clear Quartz does not have to compete for it’s vibration because it enhances other crystals’ metaphysical properties. Clear Quartz is known to be a “feel better” stone - increasing happiness and often improving one’s quality of life. Quartz channels light which helps makes it energizing and capable of helping any condition or situation, just about. It helps to broaden one’s perception and understanding, while encouraging clarity, neutrality, and the appropriate development for one’s inner nature. Clear Quartz helps to focus the mind. It is known to bring relief from negativity, and aids in meditation. Quartz can help bring back capabilities that one may feel they have “lost”. It helps bring self-knowledge and bring forgotten memories back into conscious awareness. Physical aspects- Aids malaise, multiple sclerosis (MS), myalgic encephalitis (ME), and heart health. Helps with ear infections, hearing and balance, and tinnitus. Quartz aids in weight loss. It helps diabetes, obesity, pain, discomfort, swelling, and spinal health. It can reduce fever, nausea, diarrhea, and Clear Quartz fortifies the nerves, balances the working of both halves of the brain, and can revitalize body parts that are cold, numb, paralyzed, or that have lost feeling. Chakra association: ALL chakras////Astrological- ALL signs