Honor Oneself [Tiger's Eye, Lavender Jade, & Rose Quartz]


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External validation is not what you should be concerned with, for you must love your_self to utilize the divine loving energy that exists & ALLOW it to flow to you. In this social media age, so many beautiful souls are wishing that their appearance was more. This is not how it is to be - you are lovable and unlimited when you remember this. If you are getting anxious on this subject, breathe in, and keep reading. (I got you). Tiger's Eye is a "feel better" stone that helps dissipate fear, worry, negativity, turmoil and even depression. Tiger's Eye is for the Solar Plexus Chakra, the mantra for which is "I DO". Tiger's eye is helpful for new beginnings and balance, and is known for bringing wealth. Jade brings inner and outer peace, balance, and luck. Jade offers some protection while we break free from the past and conquer obstacles (that we may or may not have created ourselves..) all while nourishing both our physical and emotional states of wellbeing - through our chakras. Rose Quartz shall help on the journey to Honor Oneself. Ah, Rose Quartz. It helps you to forgive, let go of resentments and jealousy, and heal from traumas even if they occurred in your past or childhood. Rose Quartz reminds you the importance of self-love, which holds the key to opening your ability to love others. Rose Quartz would prefer you think that phobias, fear, stress, and anger are nonexistent. The gentle energy and femininity this stone brings will surely help your relationships as well. A woman's best friend at least one week of the month, Rose Quartz eases the cramps, aches, and pains, encourages fertility, and helps blood circulation. Rose Quartz is also good for the adrenal glands, wrinkles, and varicose veins, and it fights against coughs, colds, and flu. What more could someone need to accompany them toward a healthy relationship with the Self!?

Full crystal descriptions:
Tiger’s Eye- member of the Quartz family that shows chatoyancy, which is an optical reflectance effect created by the fibrous asbestos structuration that can be gold, yellow, brown, ‘blue hawk’s eye’, and ‘red falcon’s eye’; all known as a calming “feel better” or “go for it!” stone. Enhances intuition and gut feelings and is helpful for investigations. Police officers, scientists, accountants, and those in the insurance profession are said to be some of the most benefited by this stone. Tiger’s Eye is good for those who are deliberately obstructive and helps to dissipate fear, depression, worry, negativity, and introversion, and turmoil. Good for many people, especially those needing courage, help with inhibitions, those entering new beginnings, or anyone who just needs to sharpen the mind a bit. Tiger’s Eye is known to bring wealth! It provides balance not only for left/right brain but also yin/yang. Aids in absent/distant healing especially through meditation. Physical aspects- Good for improving nocturnal vision, and aids in eye diseases. Helps heal broken bones and good for flatulence! Maintains health of the digestive system, eases nausea and diverticulosis, and helps with digestive disorders. Chakra association: solar plexus///Capricorn////

Jade-monoclinic crystal system, chain silicates of pyroxene family of minerals (jadeite, nephrite, bowenite) in many colors including green, blue, brown, orange, red, gray, cream, white, lavender, and black. Known as good luck charm for thousands of years, especially the Far East for amulets and healing kidney stones. Helps one recognize themselves as a spiritual being, guiding through self-realization. Good for use in groups; helps create clear boundaries. Shortens hesitation, helps ready to action as aids in problem solving. Jade is a good 1st stones, especially for a child. While instilling modesty and awakening hidden inner knowledge, allows one to connect to their dreams with wisdom, positivity, and compassion, often bringing inner&outer peace and even shamanic access to spirit worlds. Helps create balance, rather than laziness or excess judgements. Jadeite is good in groups and for magic, and mending relationships. Nephrite is for protection, good yin/yang balance, and health in general. Bowenite is called “new jade” and is known as “stone of the warrior” and protects against enemies, brings love and friendship, and helps one reach goals and ambitions. Helps make a clean break from the past, helps if you must return to an old home. Aids in removal of self-imposed obstacles and brings success in business. Bowenite is also good for meditation, grief, depression, past traumas, and helps one connect with their ancestors. Physical components- betters physical balance. Detoxes/cleanses the blood and stimulates functioning of kidneys, balances metabolism of salts, and acid and alkali ratios. Decreases acne, and is good for skin and hair, bones, joints, and hips. Stimulates suprarenal glands and nervous system, literally known for increasing reaction/response time. Helps with restless leg syndrome and cramps, fertility, pms(menstrual problems), period pain, bacterial and viral infections, spleen, bladder, gallbladder, kidneys, and testicles. Also wear for general malaise, high blood pressure, lymphatic system, and the immune system. Chakra association- aids in emotional and physical well-being through the heart chakra. When unbalanced, the heart chakra can cause one to feel controlled but Jade can present a relaxed, lit path to higher understanding, awareness, and enlightenment. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Libra
Rose Quartz- crystalline masses and rarely, hexagonal crystals that were considered a fertility stone for ages and used for healing female disorders and/or the heart, which led to it being a stone for ‘matters of the heart’. Asterism (‘star formation’) occurs when dumoriterite or rutile fibers grow within a quartz crystal lattice. Rose quartz is a calming stone that magnifies imagination and creativity, enhancing writing, art, and music; it specifically enhances female qualities and energy. Rose Quartz helps one to be gentle but firm, the soft overcoming the hard, strong, or stubborn. It encourages forgiveness, openness, and helpfulness and naturally, is good for the energy in the home. Rose quartz is a go-to for love, relationships, and romance; it eases worry and oversensitivity, while reminding one to fulfill elementary needs and have proper balance of self-love to enhance romance and the ability to love. Especially beneficial in times of crisis, phobias, fear, stress, anger, grief, guilt, jealousy, resentment, and feeling emotionally wounded - even if these feelings stem from childhood trauma or mentalities. Physical aspects- Rose quartz fortifies the heart and sexual organs, helps with sexual problems, menstruation cycle, and encourages fertility. It also stimulates the blood circulation in the tissues. Rose quartz is beneficial in the health of adrenal glands, heart, kidney, and spleen. It can ease general aches and pains, asthma, coughs, flu, and vertigo. Rose quartz is good for wrinkles, varicose veins, and burns (including sunburn). Rose quartz is helpful for detoxing. Astrological- Taurus & Libra ///chakra orientation: heart